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Serve Hashem with Joy

$40 members  $50 Non Members 


Parsha Pearls Beshalach 

Parsha Pearls Bo 

Parsha Pearls Vayechi 


Happy Hanukkah! 

Parshas Pearls Vayeshev and Chanuka 

Parsha Pearls Vayishlach 

Parshas Pearls - Vayeitse - What can we learn about antisemitism from Lavan

Chayei Soroh 

Guide to keeping Shabbos By Rebbetsen Gina Goldstein co founder of the Shabbat project 

Shabbat Project 2024 - Message from Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein

Weekly Shiur - Vayera

Weekly Newsletter Lech Lecha



Let's Build a Joyful Community Together

As the Jewish new year is upon us, many think of it as an intense or even scary time. Who will live? Who will die? It's pretty heavy when you think of it.

I don't just see it that way though. To me, this is the most joyous time of the year as Hashem is close to us and we have the opportunity to renew ourselves and start fresh. The Mishna in Taanit (4:8) says "Yom Kippur is the happiest day in the Jewish calendar." King David says in Psalms 2:11 ''... and rejoice with trembling," which the Rabbi's explain refers to the High Holidays. We see from these quotes that the High Holidays are a time for enjoyment.

Therefore, I cordially invite you to sweeten this intense time with joy.

"Serve Hashem with joy" is the tagline of the new Delray Torah Center, and it's the heart and soul of everything we do. I personally ask you to be part of this joyous and transformative journey by contributing generously to our High Holiday Appeal.

In the 12 short weeks since we opened in early July, we have already witnessed incredible blessings and seen over 500 people grace through our doors, including:

  • 12 Shabbat Minyanim uniting us in prayer
  • 24 Ladies’ Classes empowering and inspiring women
  • 10 Talmud Classes deepening our understanding of Torah
  • A Bris and a Baby Naming celebrating new life
  • 12 Chesed Meals providing acts of kindness and support

If that’s just what we can do in 12 weeks with basic support, imagine the impact we can make in 12 months? or even 12 years? With YOU,  as our partner? We aim to make Judaism and its practices relevant and enjoyable for everyone.

The future looks like this: 

  • Daily Classes offering continuous learning and growth in an exciting and engaging way 
  • Daily Minyanim with passion to strengthen our connection to Hashem 
  • Monthly Lunch and Learns and Shabbat Dinners nourishing both body and soul
  • Regular Guest Lecturers for Shabbos to enrich your experience
  • Weekly Social Events for fostering friendships and community bonds in a joyous environment

But, this is all just a dream without your heartfelt support,  I need your help to turn these dreams into reality. Theodore Hertzl said, “If you will it, it is no dream!” None of this is possible without your will; your generosity can make a profound difference here in Delray Beach.

Please join us at one of the following levels:

  • Master Builder: $5000
  • Patron: $3600
  • Builder: $2500
  • Chai Sponsor: $1800
  • Benefactor: $1000
  • Sponsor: $750
  • Supporter: $500
  • Friend: $360

Or any amount you're able to contribute. Even if you cannot attend the Delray Torah Center for the High Holidays, please consider participating in our High Holiday Appeal. Every dollar is a tremendous help. Your contribution no matter how big or small will enable us to continue to grow, serve, and bring joy to the community.

There are a number of ways to donate:

  1. OnlineClick here to donate online 
  2. Mail: Send checks to 7664 Eagle Point Drive, Delray Beach, FL 33446
  3. Zelle or PayPal: using the email address DELRAYTORAHCENTER@GMAIL.COM
  4. We are also set up with the following donor funds: Fidelity, Vanguard, Charles Schwab and the Jewish communal fund with our Tax ID number 99-2387010. We can also register with any other institution of your choice. 

All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a 501(c) receipt for your records. 

Thank you for your support and partnership, . Together, we can make our dreams into reality and create something truly special. I look forward to seeing you at a future event or sharing in your simcha in the very near future.

Wishing you a Kasiva V'chasima Tovah. May Hashem answer all your prayers. I personally wish you a happy healthy blessed new year where all your prayers are answered.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Rabbi Zeev Saunders


Rabbi Saunders upcoming Shiur tonight on Rosh Hashanah 

Parshas Nitzavim Vayelech Newsletter 

Parshas Ki Savo Newsletter 

Rabbi Saunders Class on Eating in Judaism and the feast of the Levyasan




CLOSED  - -Our first fundraiser - Win a week in Israel

WIN A FREE 7 DAY TRIP TO ISRAEL FOR TWO! Spend 4 days on a JNF Mission, 3 nights in a hotel of your choice (up to $500 per night), and free flights (a $8,000 value)

Second prize - Win a signed JNF official Israel 75th anniversary artwork by top artist Charls Fazzino!


Come and hear the Shofar for Rosh Chodesh Elul

Visit us, feel the energy and get inspired!

Delray Torah Center offers a warm and friendly atmosphere, one that encourages and promotes the beauty of a Jewish lifestyle. Members of all backgrounds and ages are welcome to join our DTC family.

Our tagline is “serve Hashem with joy.”


When you extract the sweetness from Judaism by studying our texts and centuries of Jewish wisdom, participating in community events and rituals it is an extremely fun and enjoyable way to live. Even more so: it’s a holy way to live.

Delray Torah Center is a place for all to come and connect with Hashem, each other and to feel joy.

Come visit us, feel the energy and get inspired!

DTC open house event - July 3rd 

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Wednesday July 3rd 2024 6 PM 

Tue, February 18 2025 20 Shevat 5785